Saturday, September 27, 2008

One month/two months

It's rather awkward, having breasts which are "out of sync" with each other, and I still find it difficult to make allowances for the left breast, who is a month "behind".

However, as you can see, it is doing its best to catch up to the right breast, and the scars are amazingly similar, considering the left one has had twice as much trauma.

Generally, things are going very well. I'm back to all my usual activities, and I no longer wear a bra in bed. However, they still feel mildly uncomfortable if I go bra-less during the day. A dragging feeling, similar to pre-menstrual fullness I guess, as I first mentioned here.
Both breasts are still lacking sensation below the nipple line, although interestingly enough the more traumatised left breast seems to be regaining sensation a little more quickly than the right, especially along the scar line.

In the last week I've had a few more of the rather unpleasant deep-seated shooting pains in the left breast, which may be associated with those areas of fat necrosis which I mentioned in an earlier post.

Even in a bra, my nipples are noticeably out of alignment, but I'm hoping as the left breast catches up in terms of healing and reduced swelling, its nipple will gain a little height. If not, I won't be doing anything about it, so I guess I should just stop worrying.

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